Monday, April 12, 2010

Things to have on hand

I've always been big on "Being Prepared." And I like to talk with others who are also into this way of thinking, and getting ideas from them on how to more effectively handle it. Here's what I've learned.

Items to have on hand for a Social Crisis:

* A year's supply of food that your family will actually EAT. Including Chocolate, and other "comfort foods," as well as things that don't spoil, and require little preparation.

In our Food Storage, we have a lot of PB and J, rice, Apple Juice, Spaghettio's, Spaghetti Sauce, and chocolate. As well as wheat and beans.

* The equipment to prepare the foods you have such as a grain "mill" of some sort to make your wheat usable, a camp stove along with propane, can opener, bottle opener, those kinds of things

* Guns and ammunition.

What good is spending the time, money and effort to gather these things if you can lose them easily when someone bigger and stronger wants them. The "bad guys" will have guns, that is a guarantee.

They also afford a bartering option

* Alcohol.

Lots of uses for this one. Starting with sterilization, and ending with Bartering.

* Cigarettes.

Again, Bartering possibility.

* Soap, wipes, toilet paper, etc.

You can NOT have to much of this stuff. Again, if you have an excess, you can barter with it.

* And Camping Gear.

Shelter, tools, stoves, sleeping bags, air mattresses, tarps, you name it.

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