Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Careful not to judge to prematurely!

"There is no way to accept, participate, or become sympathetic to any government welfare programs while also keeping the 'system at bay'. Every American has paid in to the system, but there are no financial reserves that I can pull out what I have put in.

Social Security -- as well as our entire socialized system -- is a ponzi scheme, there is no such thing as getting out of it what you put in. Those who take out of the SS right now are instantly taking out of my pocket, and if I were to take a SS check later in life then I would be doing the same thing to my children. I'll take the financial hit. I was raised on the principle that it was better to go without than to take from someone else -- even if I have been taken from by a corrupt and an unjust system. While I cast no judgment whatsoever on any partakers of welfare programs (there is always a long and supposedly justified reason why someone is on these programs), I will personally beg for charity on a street-corner before I teach my children to live on government programs."

This was a comment on a Friends Profile by someone she knows that I do not. However, it was in response to a comment I made about how grateful I am to have Medicaid available to us with David out of work. But how I still believe in keeping the system "at bay," and not allowing it to have complete control of our lives.

This is what I have to say to the above remarks:

Careful. I would Lose my children in the great state of Wyoming if I denied them access to the program that allows them to see a dr when they are sick.

And then I am no good to them. They are wards of the system. And getting them away from that is no easy task.

I do what I can. But I will also not allow them to starve vs enroll them for food stamps. The Leaders of My Faith would never condone that.... neither would my conscience, nor would my children understand why my pride kept them from medicine and food when it is available.... But that doesn't mean that I have to let the system govern us either. We do not receive ANY other help from it and never will. But I CANNOT tell you, someone I can only guess has never been in my situation what a divine blessing it is to not have to worry about food right now when we have so many other concerns.

I have put into the system, and while I will not ever see the full amount of what I put in, I do not feel ashamed to use what I need when it is there. I do NOT teach my Children to live on government programs. My Daughter would receive additional benefits if she were attending school. However, rather than enroll her in a school system that I believe to be detrimental, just for those benefits, I choose to keep her home and teach her myself. This unfortunately keeps me from being available to sit on a street corner and beg for scraps. Along with the 3 other Children I am responsible for.

But My Son was 4 weeks old and in need of serious medical attention when our income was cut off. And I am grateful he is alive because I am not too proud to use the help available to us.

"Judge not that ye be not Judged."


For those of you who are LDS, you should know what I am speaking of as I relate the following story. For those of you who are not, I will tell you the story ;-)

In General Conference this past weekend, a talk (discourse) was given. In the talk it was mentioned that in the Bible we learn of Mary and Martha (Lazarus' Sisters and followers of Jesus Christ) who were visited by Jesus. When he came to their home, Mary left her work and came to sit with Jesus and hear his words. Martha on the other hand continued with her chores. After a time, she complained to Jesus that it was unfair for Mary to have abandoned her to do it all alone while she sat and was "entertained." Jesus informed Martha that Mary had chosen the "Better part." For what he had to tell them was of great importance.

The person giving the talk (discourse) mentioned that too often, Martha is judged harshly in the Christian community for this. But later on in the story when their brother had died, it was Martha who showed the great faith in Jesus that allowed Lazarus to be brought back to life.

He told of how if we wait until the end of the story to judge these two sisters, Martha is not the Sister without feeling that she seems to be in the first part of the story.

The point being that sometimes, even though the scriptures say "Judge not that ye be not judged," we HAVE to use our judgement. And because judging wisely is very important, we usually HAVE to hear the story out fully or we may judge poorly based on limited information.

I believe this to be the case in the scenario of myself and this other person. He knows nothing of my situation. But he has passed judgement. Now in HIS case, I believe the scriptural advice of "Judge not that ye be not judged" applies.

However, in my efforts to provide for my Family and yet "Keep the System at bay" I need to be well informed, and judge wisely.

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