Thursday, October 14, 2010


As I was typing my last post I realized that all of these alternative lifestyle participants are making themselves outcasts by fighting so hard to be accepted.

They tend to become pushy. And even abusive and mean.

It makes it hard for someone like me to stay neutral.

I start with the "love one another equally" mindset.

I did not grow up with prejudices based on race, religion, or sexual orientation.

I knew right from wrong though.

And I know that it is wrong for people to come to MY country and take advantage of the people. To steal and abuse the people who have legally gained residency here. To say "I can come and take whatever I want. But you can't come to MY country and do the same or you will be shot." We are the ONLY country that harbors illegal immigrants and makes their lives better while they decrease our standard of living. That makes it a requirement to accept their language, their customs, etc.

SO, I have a problem with people who do that.

I know it's wrong to have sexual relations with people of the same gender. But I say to myself "it's between them and God." But then they attack MY lifestyle. They come to MY place of worship, and because they are not allowed in, they want to make it hard for ME to go there. They make it so that as a wife and mother, I cannot function "normally" in this world. Every one is doing everything they can to make sure not to step on THEIR toes..... meanwhile, they're trampling my leg, and working their way up my torso.

I can accept peoples' choice to not have a family. But all of a sudden those who have chosen to stay single or not have children, or have an "open" marriage are banning me and my Children from simple existence and the ability to live our life quietly.

Smoking kills people. But I can accept that some people choose this. I don't. And that has been fine. Until those who smoke make MY air and the air my Children breathe toxic. My Children are put in harms way when they walk through second hand smoke to get into the grocery store. This is a danger they don't get subjected to by ME, but it could KILL them!

Do you see where I am headed?

Now, it is HARD not to be prejudice. To NOT judge. To NOT have a problem with these "minorities" or people who are different. Because THEY refuse me the common courtesies that they DEMAND!

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