Sunday, October 10, 2010

Conference and Homosexuality

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does not support homosexual relationships.

The Church of Jesus Christ DOES teach that EVERY person is a Son or Daughter of God and does not support any acts of violence against Homosexuals.

And every year there is something said in the Church's General Conference that offends the Gay/Lesbian community. Even if nothing is actually said using the words Gay, Lesbian, or Homosexual.

All that has to be used is the word immoral, and the Homosexual community goes NUTS!

This article sums up the latest wave of outrage that stemmed from October 3rd and 4th 2010 Conference.

I think it is ridiculous that this group of people gets their panties in such a bind over something being said about immorality (mind you, there was NOTHING that specifically pointed out ANYTHING having to do with any certain immoral "group" or act) and automatically assume that it is in reference to THEM. (Feeling guilty are we?)

And they in turn are reacting with protesting and defacing Church property. Boy that's the way to convince people that you deserve the same rights as every body else. If I didn't have a problem with that community for their sexual preferences, I sure have a problem now based solely on the disrespectful way they react to opposition. EVERY minority group has to go through similar prejudices. The Blacks, Women, you name it! But any group who reacts to NOT being accepted by becoming violent and disrespectful will NEVER gain the consideration and respect they are fighting to gain.

So, suggestion to the Gay and Lesbian Community: Take it with a grain of salt and wait out the opposition if you are so secure in your way of life and believe that it's ok and should be acceptable. Otherwise, if you're going to get so upset over EVERY little thing that is said that even HINTS at condemning your lifestyle, MAYBE it's NOT something you should be doing. If you can't stand proud and respectful, you don't really believe in it.

Oh, and STOP BLAMING THE MORMONS! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will NEVER advocate your lifestyle choice. It's their right as a religious denomination to accept and not accept certain actions of people. If you don't like it, there might be a religion out there to better suit you. But the church will NEVER bend their beliefs for you.

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