Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How can it be allowed

2 topics of discussion at the moment.

First, a demonstration in AZ where immigrants defaced American Flags on the ground.

One statement on this: Isn't it nice of us to provide a place where they can do this without fear of retribution. HERE in America, if I were to do that to the Mexican Flag, I would suffer dire consequences.


2nd, Proposition 8 was overturned by a Judge even though over 50% of California's population voted FOR it. He took it upon himself and abused the power he has been given to look out for his own interests.

In the words of Cleon Skousen (from the book The Cleansing of America) : "The hedonistic disintegration of the American culture during recent years is virtually unbelievable. All the elements of rot and corruption, which have destroyed 3 previous civilizations on this continent, are now spreading the same poisonous decadence on every level of American society.

"Who would have believed ... the legalizing of sodomy as an optional judicially protected lifestyle and calling it part of the "New Morality"?"


One last thing. Do you realize that there will come a time when in order to buy groceries, you will have to take the name or mark of the Beast or Dragon.... Lucifer upon you?

If you don't have food storage, or a nest egg..... GET IT NOW!!!!!

God will not allow this society to thrive much longer. I promise you that!

So many are disgusted at my choice to get a tattoo. Well, let me tell you this: I HAVE my food storage. I am educating myself on the signs of the times. And I will NOT have the mark of the Beast found on me when the time comes. However how many God Fearing Christians who would NEVER get a tattoo will be blinded and led into getting that mark of false security placed on them so that they don't have to go without life's comforts?

A tattoo like mine is a very SLIGHT infraction. The Mark of the Beast, however means certain destruction!

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